Hi! This is the archive of Lit Space, an online literary and artistic magazine run by teens! Lit Space was active from July 2018 until May 2022, publishing over a hundred pieces of art and writing created by people between the ages of 12 and 19. Thank you for stopping by, and we wish you a lovely day!
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Poetry: What Are You Really Afraid Of, by S.K. (TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT)
You sit on the edge of your bed
Staring into the mirror
You get a chill then
You feel his hands again
The mirror says there's nothing there
But since when are mirrors trustworthy
Then again everyone around you says
“Trust the mirror, nothing's there”
Followed by words of encouragement
That have unspoken undertones,
“You’re so strong”
You victim
“You’re making so much progress”
You victim
As time progresses it changes to
“Maybe try doing this again”
Alright it's been long enough
“what are you afraid of”
That makes you ask yourself
What are you really afraid of?
No one's there
But the feeling is all consuming
So who's the problem?
If nothing's there
And no one is around
And only you’re there
What are you afraid of?
The only conclusion
It's me.
I am the problem
I did this
I am to blame for someone else’s actions
Credit is given where credit is due.
I’m sorry