Hey everyone! Lit Space’s founder here. I have a bittersweet announcement to make: After nearly four years as an online and print, international literary magazine, Lit Space will no longer be accepting new submissions.
I founded Lit Space on a whim when I was fourteen, and since then, it’s grown into something bigger, brighter, and more beautiful than I ever could have predicted. When Lit Space was still in its early stages, I remember having to pester my best friends to submit their art and writing, begging them to help me kickstart this project. Now, we receive submissions weekly from around the world: USA, England, Australia, India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and more. I’m so grateful for everyone who has submitted their work, whether you emailed us last week or three years ago. This wouldn’t be possible without everyone who has submitted their work, everyone who’s shared our instagram posts and sent the link to our website to their friends and family, everyone who bought a copy of our print edition, my co-editors throughout the years, and every other member of our community.
Now, I’m eighteen and I’m preparing to graduate high school and spend the next four years of my life in college, where I hope to continue my work as a writer, an editor, an artist, and a teacher. I feel indescribably lucky that I’ve gotten to spend my time in high school reading your incredible submissions and providing a platform for talented teenagers to share their work with the world.
Lit Space’s website (http://litspacemagazine.blogspot.com/) and instagram page (@litspacemagazine) will both remain up as archives. You’ll still be able to access all your published art and writing, and get to see other people’s creations. You’ll also still be able to contact me at the usual email with any questions (lit.space.submissions@gmail.com), though the response time will likely be slower since I’ll be busy with college coursework! You can also still access our online store through Blurb and purchase a copy of our print edition, Woolgathering, or my poetry anthology, Wanderer – your financial support is always appreciated: https://www.blurb.com/b/10357850-woolgathering-the-print-edition-of-lit-space
Thank you again to everyone who has made Lit Space possible. It’s been an honor to work with you and I hope you’ll stay in touch!
With love and gratitude,
Lit Space’s Founder
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