Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Magazine Update: New Format, Original Music Submissions, and Social Media!

Hello from Lit Space's editors!

We'll start this update by thanking all the essential employees that are putting their lives on the line and working hard to keep us all safe and healthy every day. Their hard work and their perseverance are seen by so many people, and their dedication will not be forgotten. Thank you to all the essential employees, for fighting for us and for keeping us alive. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

On a different note, we'd like to announce that we're slightly changing the format for each publication! The submission guidelines are still the same (see our January Magazine Update for a description), but we'll now be publishing your work with your full name for credit, rather than your first name and only the first letter of your last name. This won't affect past publications, but it'll apply to all submissions starting June 1st! If you prefer that your work be published under a pen name or if you'd like to stick with the previous format, please specify this in your submission email. Otherwise, your work will be published adhering to the new format, and your full name will be credited.

Also, here are some more details relevant to our original music submission category: We know it can be challenging for young composers and songwriters to find platforms from which to share their work. Because of this, we'd like to provide you with a platform, and several ways to utilize it. Lit Space is accepting submissions of original music compositions or songs of any genre! To submit, email us a pdf of the score of your music, or send us a link to an unlisted or public Youtube video of a performance of your piece. If you're submitting a performance, please ensure that all performers and those involved in the video have consented and are aware of your submission to Lit Space. We're so excited to hear your music!

One more update: Every so often, we're choosing select works to feature on our public Instagram page, @litspacemagazine, and tagging the account of the creator. If your work has been posted to our page, you haven't been tagged, and you'd like to be, send us an email or a DM and let us know! On our Instagram account, we also share polls and ask our readers questions about what kind of content they'd like to see, so be sure to follow our page to check these out! 

And to everyone who's submitted, keep up the great work! We're always blown away by the creativity of the submissions we receive, and it's a highlight of our editors' weeks. Thank you, and we're looking forward to continuing to read your incredible submissions.

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