Saturday, May 2, 2020

Magazine Update: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for Upcoming Pride Anthology! 🌈

Hello all! Lit Space's editors hope you're doing well and are staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times. 

LGBTQ+ pride month approaches amidst cancellations of so many in-person pride events. Still, pride itself cannot be cancelled, whether we find ourselves in unsupportive or supportive environments during quarantine. Loneliness can easily settle in, especially now, but it is always possible to find a community that unconditionally accepts you. You are loved, and you're not alone. In order to bring people together for pride month, we'll be putting together a Lit Space Virtual Pride Anthology that'll be published to our website in late June or early July!

Answer any or all of the questions below in any form of art, writing, or music, (eg. memoir, poetry, painting, song, etc) and submit your response(s) by June 7th for a chance to be featured in the aforementioned anthology! You can submit by emailing your work to, just like for standard submissions. If it's more comfortable to you than having your full name attached to your work, you can choose to publish your work anonymously or under a pen name. Please specify this in your submission email.

What does pride mean to you? 
How do you stay proud while there is so much tumult in the world? 
How do you help others find and/or show their pride? 

Please note that you can submit anything pride-themed that doesn't directly address these prompts, too!
Lit Space's editors are so excited to see your work and hear about your pride! Stay strong.

PS: If you're struggling and in need of help at any time, please reach out here.
(Lit Space is in no way affiliated with The Trevor Project).

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